Principal investigator

Diego López Barreiro
- 2022-present Lecturer, Department of Chemical Engineering, UCL - UK
- 2020-2022 Marie Curie Fellow, DSM - The Netherlands
- 2016-2020 Postdoctoral associate, MIT - USA
- 2015 PhD Applied Biological Sciences: Chemistry and Bioprocess Technology, Ghent University - Belgium
- 2011 MSc Chemical Engineering, University of Santiago de Compostela - Spain
Doctoral researchers

Ebony Shire
Functionally graded materials
- MSc Biological and Bioprocess Engineering, University of Sheffield - UK
- BSc Biomedical Science, University of Sheffield - UK

Ruiyan Gao
Sustainable biosensing platforms
- MSc Biochemical Engineering, University College London - UK
- MEng Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London - UK

Alexander Birrell
Biomineralised engineered living materials
- MSc Biochemical Engineering, University College London - UK
- BSc Biochemistry, University College London - UK

Abby Thompson
Protein-based coatings for vascular grafts
- MEng and BA Engineering Tripos, University of Cambridge - UK

Eloise Lipscombe
Biomanufactured textile fibres (LIDO rotation, main supervisor: Prof. Yanlan Mao)
- BSc Biochemistry, University of Manchester - UK
MSc/MRes students

Andrea Andersson Rodriguez
Synthetic biology for recombinant structural proteins
- MRes Synthetic Biology, University College London - UK
Former members
- Alex Chen - MSc Nature-Inspired Solutions
- Eric Hauke - MSc Nature-Inspired Solutions