Publication record at UCL
- López Barreiro D, Houben K, Schouten O, Koenderink GH, Thies JC, Sagt CMJ, Order-disorder balance in silk-elastin-like polypeptides determines their self-assembly into hydrogel networks, ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 17:650-662, 2025.
- Shire E, Coimbra AAB, Barba-Ostria C, Rios-Solis L, López Barreiro D, Molecular design of protein-based materials – state of the art, opportunities and challenges at the interface between materials engineering and synthetic biology, Mol Syst Des Eng, 9:1187-1209, 2024.
- López Barreiro D, Folch-Fortuny A, Thies JC, Sagt CMJ, Koenderink GH, Sequence Control of the Self-Assembly of Elastin-Like Polypeptides into Hydrogels with Bespoke Viscoelastic and Structural Properties, Biomacromolecules, 24:489–501, 2023.
Publication record prior to UCL
- López Barreiro D, Martin-Martinez FJ, Zhou S, Sagastagoia I, del Molino Pérez F, Arrieta Morales FJ, Buehler MJ, Biobased additives for asphalt applications produced from the hydrothermal liquefaction of sewage sludge, J Env Chem Eng, 10:108974, 2022.
- López Barreiro D*, Martin-Moldes Z*, Blanco Fernandez A, Fitzpatrick V, Kaplan DL, Buehler MJ, Molecular simulations of the interfacial properties in silk–hydroxyapatite composites, Nanoscale, 14:10929-10939, 2022 (*equal contribution).
- López Barreiro D, Minten IJ, Thies JC, Sagt CMJ, Structure–Property Relationships of Elastin-like Polypeptides: A Review of Experimental and Computational Studies, ACS Biomater Sci Eng, 9:3796–3809, 2023
- Martin-Moldes Z*, López Barreiro D*, Buehler MJ, Kaplan DL, Effect of the silica nanoparticle size on the osteoinduction of biomineralized silk-silica nanocomposites, Acta Biomaterialia, 120:203-212, 2021 (*equal contribution).
- Wan CTC*, López Barreiro D*, Forner-Cuenca A, Barotta JW, Hawker MJ, Han G, Loh HC, Masic A, Kaplan DL, Chiang YM, Brushett FR, Martin-Martinez FJ, Buehler MJ, Exploration of Biomass-derived Activated Carbons for Use in Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries, ACS Sust Chem Eng, 8:9472–9482, 2020 (*equal contribution).
- López Barreiro D, Martín Moldes Z, Hawker MJ, Shen S, Yeo J, Martin-Martinez FJ, Kaplan DL, Buehler MJ, Conductive silk-based composites using biobased carbon materials, Adv Mater, 31:1904720, 2019.
- López Barreiro D, Jin K, Martin-Martinez FJ, Qin Z, Hamm M, Paul CW, Buehler MJ, Molecular dynamics study of the mechanical properties of polydisperse pressure-sensitive adhesives, J Int Adh Adhes, 92:58-64, 2019.
- López Barreiro D, Yeo J, Tarakanova A, Martin-Martinez FJ, Buehler MJ, Multiscale modeling of silk and silk-based biomaterials - a review, Macromol Biosci, 1800253, 2019 (Inside front cover).
- Jin K, López Barreiro D, Martin-Martinez FJ, Qin Z, Hamm M, Paul CW, Buehler MJ, Improving the performance of pressure sensitive adhesives by tuning the crosslinking density and locations, Polymer, 154:164-171, 2018.
- López Barreiro D, Martin-Martinez FJ, Torri C, Prins W, Buehler MJ, Molecular characterization and atomistic model of biocrude oils from hydrothermal liquefaction of microalgae, Algal Res, 35:262-273, 2018.
- Martin-Martinez FJ, Jin K, López Barreiro D, Buehler MJ, The Rise of Hierarchical Nanostructured Materials from Renewable Sources: Learning from Nature, ACS Nano, 12:7425-7433, 2018.
- Zhang D, Clauwaert P, Luther A, López Barreiro D, Prins W, Brilman W, Ronsse F, Sub- and supercritical water oxidation of anaerobic fermentation sludge for carbon and nitrogen recovery in a regenerative life support system, Waste Manage, 77:268-275, 2018.
- López Barreiro D, Ríos Gómez B, Ronsse F, Hornung U, Kruse A, Prins W, Heterogeneous catalytic upgrading of biocrude oil produced by hydrothermal liquefaction of microalgae: State of the art and own experiments, Fuel Process Technol, 148:117-127, 2016.
- Torri C, López Barreiro D, Conti R, Fabbri D, Brilman W, Fast Procedure for the Analysis of Hydrothermal Liquefaction Biocrude with Stepwise Py-GC-MS and Data Interpretation Assisted by Means of Non-negative Matrix Factorization, Energy Fuel, 30:1135-1144, 2016.
- López Barreiro D, Ríos Gómez B, Hornung U, Kruse A, Prins W, Hydrothermal liquefaction of microalgae in a continuous stirred-tank reactor, Energy Fuel, 29:6422–6432, 2015.
- López Barreiro D, Riede S, Hornung U, Kruse A, Prins W, Hydrothermal liquefaction of microalgae: effect on the product yields of the addition of an organic solvent to separate the aqueous phase and the biocrude oil, Algal Res, 12:206-212, 2015.
- López Barreiro D, Beck M, Hornung U, Ronsse F, Kruse A, Prins W, Suitability of hydrothermal liquefaction as a conversion route to produce biofuels from macroalgae, Algal Res, 11:234-214, 2015.
- López Barreiro D, Bauer M, Hornung U, Posten C, Kruse A, Prins W, Cultivation of microalgae with recovered nutrients after hydrothermal liquefaction, Algal Res, 9:99-106, 2015.
- López Barreiro D, Samorì C, Terranella G, Hornung U, Kruse A, Prins W, Assessing microalgae biorefinery routes for the production of biofuels via hydrothermal liquefaction, Bioresource Technol, 174:256-265, 2014.
- Samorì C, Pezzolesi L, López Barreiro D, Galletti P, Pasteris A, Tagliavini E, Synthesis of new polyethoxylated tertiary amines and their use as Switchable Hydrophilicity Solvents, RSC Adv, 4:5999-6008, 2014.
- López Barreiro D, Zamalloa C, Boon N, Vyverman W, Ronsse F, Brilman W, Prins W, Influence of strain-specific parameters on hydrothermal liquefaction of microalgae, Bioresource Technol, 146:463-471, 2013.
- López Barreiro D, Prins W, Ronsse F, Brilman W, Hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) of microalgae for biofuel production: state of the art review and future prospects, Biomass Bioenerg, 53:113-127, 2013.
- Samorì C, López Barreiro D, Vet R, Pezzolesi L, Brilman DWF, Galletti P, Tagliavini E, Effective lipid extraction from algae cultures using switchable solvents, Green Chem, 15:353-356, 2013.
- Chaves Padín R, López Barreiro D, Macías Vázquez F, Casares Long JJ, Monterroso Martínez C, Application of System Dynamics technique to simulate the fate of persistent organic pollutants in soils, Chemosphere, 90:2428-2434; 2013.